There is something here that is just for you.  I need for you to believe that at this point in your journey, wherever you are personally in your life, that there are no more coincidences. The God of your universe has placed men, women, events and omens along your journey to serve as guide post to help you achieve the “Divine Purpose” for which you were created.  What you have perceived as being mere coincidence is the universe aligning to usher you through your journey. It’s the Ether, a powerful form of universal energy, attracting like powerful energy, in the form of thoughts, influences and people with different experiences and gifts that will be valuable for you on the pursuit of your “Personal Legend”.

Your “Personal Legend” is a reflection of a great work that has to be done and it can only be done by you.  It’s why you were created. You were not created in vain. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. A marvelous complex creation, gifted with a birthright to speak life into great things. Choose now to step in faith and expected victory. 

The God of your universe has your back now. 

This is the time that Life will be spoken into Audacious Goals, Visions and Aspirations”. 

The time for self doubt has passed. It’s not about where you came from or what you are currently going through. Right now, it’s all about where you are heading. It is no longer a question of if you will get there. Now, the only question is when. But, the ordinary just won’t do.  This is the time for something bigger, better and bolder than anything that you’ve ever accomplished in the past.

The God of your universe has your back now.

You know it and you feel it. Confirmation is manifesting itself in every conversation in which you find yourself engaged.  You see it now echoed in the books that you read and in the songs that you hear. You find it to be odd that the words in a song that you have listened to hundreds of times in the past, now appear to be speaking directly to you about the Audacious Goals, Visions and Aspiration that until now, you have only allowed to be a whisper in your mind. You think that it’s a coincidence that you are hearing those same whispers now spoken aloud; sometimes by those that you barely know.  It’s not. It’s the God of your universe’s way of confirming your reservation with greatness. It’s your birthright waiting to be claimed by you. The God of your universe wants you to move with confident intentionality.  Wants you to know that your Faith is greater than your Fear.

It’s time to step forward into the unknown with the expectation of victory.

The God of your universe has your back now.