Why do you exist? Your reason for living, for getting out of bed every morning?

It’s more than just to make money.  Isn’t it?

Me?  I exist to influence Heroes.  I live to help others identify and destroy the negative and destructive vices that constantly block their ability to transcend to the Highest and Best Version of themselves.  I aspire to be a breaker of generational curses.

It’s what I refer to as my Humongous Audacious Boldly Inspired Task in life. My personal HABIT.  This is the Divine Purpose that I know the God of my universe created me to accomplish.  I know that every experience that I have had in life, whether I perceived them to be positive or negative at the time, has prepared me for just this purpose.  I can’t pass on it or quit on it, because it belongs to me. There is greatness to be discovered in that purpose. When the story of my “Personal Legend” is written, it will be upon this HABIT that anything great I achieve in life will be established.


The Power in Purpose

There is something about knowing your purpose.  Something about knowing that you were not created in vain that is both empowering and liberating.  Knowing your purpose gives birth to a new mindset that affects the way you deal with pressure and obstacles that seek to derail your aspirations for greatness.  You become more resilient in the face of challenges. Rather than back down or huddle behind fear or doubt, being fueled by your purpose gives you the strength to look boldly into the unknown and shout, “I AM BUILT FOR THIS!

Purpose has the power to transform your mindset from one that huddles behind fear and doubt, to one that believes that you are the unstoppable force that can move the unmovable object and that nothing–neither man nor mountain, ocean or sea can stand between you and what is yours by birthright.

The discovery of your own HABIT is essential in the journey to you writing the story of your own “Personal Legend” and your transition to becoming the Highest and Best Version of Yourself.  How do you discover your HABIT?  At the nexus of your Authentic Identity and Divine Purpose is where your own personal HABIT can be found and your journey begins when you establish belief and confidence in this one important fact: 

Every aspect of your being was wonderfully and perfectly made to achieve a Divine Purpose. You were not created in vain. 

An Overflow Mindset

In the book Start with Why, one of the most influential movements and brands of our era, Simon Sinek drives home the message that some of the most influential and successful leaders and companies throughout history became so not necessarily because of what they were seeking to accomplish or because of a quest for financial rewards, but because of a much deeper motivating factor.  The success experienced by these various giants of industry and society was rooted in the deeper ideal of the “Why” behind their work.  The foundation for the success that we now marvel at today were rooted in Purpose.

Similarly, your reason for existing, for living, for getting out of bed has to be bigger than personal or financial rewards. It’s a value system that has to be other-centered and outwardly motivated–for a cause that is bigger than you.  It’s an intangible ideal that enhances the value of the tangible world which surrounds you.  It’s not something that you can assess the value of from a monetary perspective, because your “Why” is most valuable to you and for you it is truly Priceless.   It’s a H.A.B.I.T. that inspires you to seek to live a life of “OverFlow”. A life where your daily press for success and greatness is not just to fill your cup.  It’s a press for an abundance of  success and universal favor that you want to share with those around you. It’s your rising tide raising the vessels around you.  

Just to be clear, a half-full or empty vessel will not overflow. Living a life of “overflow’ is one in which the assumption is made that your cup will be full to the point that there will be excess to share.  It can sometimes be easy to not give maximum effort for yourself, but when a cause, a loved one or a community is dependent upon your effort, quitting becomes less of an option.  Your success creates an even greater success for your cause.

Who and Whats 

Whats are our occupations or our operational platforms.  Whats are not Who we are.  Instead they serve as a conduit through which we transmit the authentic values and beliefs that exist within us.  What we do is a visible manifestation of Who we are authentically at our core.  Unfortunately, today we can find more evidence of a shifting of the identity relationship away from the internal authentic values and beliefs that truly define Who we are, to the more superficial surface level values of what one might elect to do as an occupation.

We can find proof of this misalignment of values often when we introduce ourselves to strangers at various parties, functions or networking events where the majority of the emphasis is placed on “What” it is that we might do for a living.  “I’m a Doctor, Lawyer, Football Player, etc…”  Rarely do we take the time to drill below the surface of the occupational handle to discover the “Why” buried deep within. 

In essence, our Whats become the foundation of our identity.  The artificial persona created by the extensive adulation placed on what we do becomes the basis upon how we begin to identify Who we are.   It’s what I label as a “Crisis of Misidentification” and it is dangerous.  It is inevitable that Whats will change!  Sometimes voluntarily, but often times it occurs involuntarily as a result of economic factors, declining skills/performance or perhaps due to injury.   If your identity is totally defined by what you do occupationally, then you risk losing yourself.  

This is why the discovery of your own personal HABIT is so important.  Your HABIT, your Purpose is eternal and unchanging. Your HABIT  has wheels and it travels with you regardless of your occupation.  In a world of constant changes, pressures and challenges, it is the rock solid foundation upon which everything great that you will accomplish in life is built. 

“A House built on a Foundation of Sand, will not stand.”


The Anchor, The Crutch or The Springboard.

The Universe really, really, really wants you to be Great. No, I mean REALLY!   You’re Built for it!  The Talent. The Drive. The Skill. It’s all in there. It’s resting Ether that is just waiting to be set ablaze.

But Greatness does not come easily. There will be challenges and objections. People are going to tell you that you’re not good enough. Doors will be slammed in your face. Sometimes even your own body will want to revolt against the desires of your heart. Those not fully in tune with their HABIT become fearful. They shrink under the pressure, not knowing that they have the ability to simply speak life into those desires.

You have the option to view these challenges and objections in one of three ways.  As an Anchor, a Crutch or a Springboard.

Many that are not connected to their own personal HABIT submit to “The Anchor Mentality”.  They will be forever stuck in the same spot, because they choose to acknowledge the weight of pressure, objections and challenges as an insurmountable disadvantage that can’t be overcome.  They take the easy road. They quit. They quit on themselves and will never realize their purpose.

Others that are not connected to their own personal HABIT submit to “The Crutch Mentality”.  They never reach their full potential because they choose to acknowledge the pressure, objections and challenges as a disabling factor.  They find excuses for why they can’t maximize their potential. They feel like they got a raw deal, they grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, or they may even have a physical disadvantage.  They settle for mediocrity instead, never reaching their full potential.

When you know why you exist, you tend to adopt a different mentality.  You realize that there is a purpose that you were created to fulfill and it’s for you and you alone.  It’s not just about you, it’s bigger than you. It’s a Humongous Audacious Boldly Inspired Task that makes the world better.  Your connection to your own personal HABIT will empower you to look at any challenge or obstacle, not with the Anchor or Crutch Mentality, but instead with “The Springboard Mentality”, which will enable you to utilize those very same adverse situations as a momentum-accelerant fueling your mission to fulfill your purpose.  In a world of constant change, your unchanging HABIT will push you to “Just Be Great!”, not just for yourself but for those around you.  

When you are connected with your own personal HABIT, there are no limitations to how high you will soar.  Your aspirations to feed the hopes and dreams of others is the beginning of the Story of your “Personal Legend“.  It is a pathway to you becoming the absolute Highest and Best Version of Yourself!  

There is a Humongous Audacious Boldly Inspired Task(H.A.B.I.T.) for you, and you alone.

Click the link to get your free copy of your Authentic Success Vision Workbook.

This could be one of the most powerful and important things that you do for yourself this year!

Take action now toward becoming your Highest & Best Version of You.