Will you Wish or Miss?

At the onset of my career, I was blessed with extraordinary counsel from a regretful male client. At my then age his priority had been to “bring home the bacon”. It was what his father had taught him. He often found himself on the road or in the office burning the midnight oil. On the home front his son was learning baseball. His daughter was learning to Pirouette. His absence, a justified sacrifice that they’d understand.
He cost himself a marriage and countless memories. He later found himself attending the graduation for a son of his second marriage. He couldn’t recall any similar memories with his older kids; he had not been there to witness the first steps or school plays. He wished he had.
His story impacted me tremendously. It taught me that with balance you can be successful at home and work.
I vowed that I would create more I miss memories with my family than I wish regrets.
My daughters are now teenagers. I find myself lamenting the days when we’d take long walks or bike rides through the neighborhood.
The greatest thing about missing those things is that they happened.
I don’t have the regret of wishing.
I did.

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